Czech Republic: Locals will stand up to the neo-Nazis in Plzeň this coming Saturday
A neo-Nazi march is scheduled to pass through the center of the Czech town of Plzeň on Saturday, 24 August 2013. Ultra-right extremists have announced anti-Romani marches in a total of five regions of the Czech Republic on that same day.
Many people in Plzeň are planning to stand up to the neo-Nazis. News server publishes in full translation below the invitation to a "Civil protest against the racist demonstration and march in Plzeň".
Civil protest against the racist demonstration and march in Plzeň
On 24 August an anti-Romani demonstration convened by sympathizers of the extremist Workers’ Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti – DSSS) has been announced in Plzeň and plans to march through the Petrohrad quarter. The demonstration is connected to similar events being organized by sympathizers of racist initiatives in many towns throughout the country on that day.
We are deeply convinced that racist marches will not improve the state of our society, but will merely strengthen prejudices and stir up hatred. As citizens of Plzeň who care about the people who live in this town irrespective of their skin color, and who care about the town itself, we cannot stand by and watch as those with such a limited vision of the world march through our streets and beneath the windows of our fellow citizens.
We, too, will therefore meet up on that day in the streets of our town to demonstrate that Plzeň is not a place of hatred, but of cooperation, diversity and solidarity. We call on all of the men and women of Plzeň to join us.
How will we protest against these manifestations of racist stupidity? Cheerfully, civilly, and non-violently!
We will publish our gathering place, the start time, and other information during the course of this week. The Facebook event is here: . Updated information will be published there, so stay tuned in.
The coordination committee for this protest event against the racist march in Plzeň is comprised of the following people:
Martin Marek, Martin Hyťha, Petr Vaněk, Nikol Krejčová, Laco Toušek, Petr Šimon, Roman Černík. For the time being the following organizations have expressed support for the event: Plzeňané o.s., HUMR o.s., Johan o.s., Plzeň Bicycle Initiative (iniciativa Plzeň na kole), Green Party Plzeň (Strana zelených Plzeň), Children of the Earth Plzeň (Děti Země Plzeň), Czech Pirate Party – Plzeň Region (Česká pirátská strana – Plzeňský kraj).
If your association would like to support this event, please write to us at We are aware that the "Blockade of neo-Nazi Demonstrations" (Blokáda neonacistické demonstrace) is also organizing an event in Plzeň that same day and we are discussing coordination with their organizers, who are remaining anonymous.