Czech Republic: Equal Opportunities Party protests neo-Nazi march at scene of 2009 arson attack

The Equal Opportunities Party (Strana rovných příležitostí – SRP) says it is unacceptable for radical militant extremists to march through localities predominantly inhabited by Romani people. The party has issued the statement in response to a series of anti-Romani assemblies and marches being organized by the Czech Lions, a group connected to the newly-established Democratic Worker’s Party (Demokratická strana pracujících – DSP) which seems to be profiling itself as a sort of ultra-right People’s Militia (Lidové milice).
"Under no circumstances should assemblies be permitted to this extent, whatever the pretext, when part of their march routes targets localities inhabited predominantly by Romani people or other identifiable groups. The rights of one must not restrict the rights of another, to say nothing of using state assistance to violate the state’s own laws," the SRP declaration states.
Party representatives want to protest on 3 August in Vítkov against the right-wing extremists’ assembly. The neo-Nazi event has been announced as taking place at the site of what was the country’s worst racially motivated attack in recent years, the arson that caused serious injury to a Romani infant (Natálka). News server presents the party’s declaration in full translation below:
Statement of the Equal Opportunities Party (SRP) on the upcoming right-wing extremist marches, beginning with the town of Vítkov
Radical extremists are planning a series of marches across the Czech Republic in the coming months, starting with Saturday, 3 August 2013, when they intend to march through the streets of Vítkov to the places were Romani families with small children live, not far from the former house of little Natálka’s family. Their intention is to terrorize Romani residents and to incite citizens from the majority part of society toward hatred.
State bodies ignoring this issue, SRP presidium is disturbed
In the Law on the Right to Assembly it is explicitly stated that permission from a state body is not required in advance for an assembly to take place. The authority advised of the assembly merely becomes aware of it. At the same time, that same law requires authorities to take an interest in the actual purpose of the assembly by evaluating the overall context of any given situation. If an authority reaches the conclusion that the purpose of the assembly contravenes Section 10 of the Law on the Right to Assembly, that authority is required to ban the assembly within three days.
In this case and others it is evident, from the available websites, that the purpose of these upcoming assemblies is different from the purpose the conveners are officially communicating to authorities, and this has also been confirmed in many other previous cases involving such events. Despite this, the authorities are not taking action. They are not taking an interest in the real purpose of these assemblies, not are they evaluating the roles of these assemblies in the overall context of this situation.
The authorities are also not taking into consideration either the society-wide impact of these marches, nor what traumatizing experiences they will be for preschool-aged children, even though in 2009 the Czech Interior Ministry published a "Handbook for Municipalities on the Law on the Right to Assembly" which clearly describes the reasons for which an assembly can be banned even before it takes place. Could this lack of action be intentional?
According to Section 10 paragraph 1 of the Law on the Right to Assembly, a municipality must ban an assembly should there be evidence that its purpose is to violate the rights and freedoms of others; to violate the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, the Constitution, and the law; or to commit gross indecency or violence. A municipality can also disperse an assembly after it is underway should any of those actions take place.
Under no circumstances should assemblies be permitted to this extent, whatever the pretext, when part of their march routes targets localities inhabited predominantly by Romani people or other identifiable groups. The rights of one must not restrict the rights of another, to say nothing of using state assistance to violate the state’s own laws.
The SRP respects freedom of speech as long as such speech is performed within the limits of the law. The organizers of anti-Romani assemblies belong, for the most part, to the militant, radical right-wing extremists, and it is therefore unacceptable that the route of their marches pass through localities predominantly inhabited by Romani residents. During such marches we are of the opinion that Romani people’s rights are violated, at a minimum because they are being discriminated against on the grounds of race.
The presidium of the SRP party is concerned that the safety of Romani families with children in Vítkov will be disturbed. That is why, on the same day that right-wing extremists will be coming to Vítkov from various towns, the SRP will hold a public discussion at noon on Husova Street entitled "Gathering for the peaceful coexistence of all residents of Vítkov and against intolerance."
We want to give everyone who is bothered by hatred and violence the opportunity to clarify various aspects of coexistence by discussing them with one another at this public meeting. Everyone is invited to come hold a polite discussion, not about how to destroy coexistence and interpersonal relationships, but about how to come together so we can address and improve our coexistence and interpersonal relationships.
Citizens, come join us. Romani people are in favor of open dialogue.
Roma aven jekhetane!
In Plzeň 29 July 2013