Czech MP Stanislav Huml shares Holocaust denial video online

The weekly Euro in the Czech Republic reports that Stanislav Huml, an MP for the Czech Social Democratic Party, has published a video denying the Holocaust to his Facebook profile. The video, which Huml called “brutal and [politically] incorrect” but “inspiring”, is a sort of criticism of the “ethnomasochism” of Western civilization, defined as a feeling of guilt for the historical injustices of colonialism, slavery, etc., including what the video terms the “alleged” Holocaust.
The producers of the video say they refuse to accept the blame for this history. They call on Europe to “stop apologizing” for its previous actions.
What’s more, the video says the Jews are “to blame” for the Holocaust, not that they were its victims. Huml said that it is not essential to him that the Iron Dawn YouTube channel, from which he shared the video, has also posted video footage of NSDAP conventions, footage of the occupation of Ukraine by the Nazis, or videos promoting the “healthy lifestyle” of the Nazi Third Reich.
“I don’t concern myself with those details,” Huml said in response to an query from a reporter with Euro. “The video has an actual basis in history extending back to the 15th century.”
The MP then added this note to his Facebook post: “P.S. for journalists – I actually do not approve of the Holocaust and I do not see it being approved of in the context of this video either.” The video, published online on 9 August, was ultimately removed from the MP’s public profile.