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Czech mayor on tomorrow's neo-Nazi march in Plzeň

28 February 2014
1 minute read

On Saturday 1 March at 14:00 a march by right-wing radicals through the center of Plzeň has been scheduled. Mayor Martin Baxa has issued a statement about this event which news server publishes below in full translation: 

Statement by Mayor Baxa

Dear Residents of Plzeň,

This Saturday a march has been announced which is described by its convener as being held "to uphold the rights of all decent citizens of this country and to protest the financing of the anti-Czech, racist Romea civic association by the Government of the Czech Republic." On the basis of our experiences with previous similar marches, it is my opinion that this one has no aim other than to show hatred for those who are different, to divide citizens against one another, and to dangerously and stupidly create division in society.

Personally I disagree in principle with this march and the tack it is taking. I care about our city and I would like it to be an open, peaceful, safe, home, where everyone who lives here shares a sense of solidarity with one another. 

I would like our city to be home to proud, self-assured citizens who reject hatred and violence. I would also like the citizens to want to live here together peacefully.

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