Czech lower house removes controversial definition of disability and passes education amendment
Today the Czech lower house came to a surprising agreement, voting 170:6 to remove a dubious section of a paragraph in an amendment to the Schools Act on pupils with special educational needs. News server has covered the dispute over the amendment here and here.
According to Klára Laurenčíková, an expert on inclusive education, this is, finally, a first important step on the road to reforming the Czech schools. "The dubious paragraph posed a risk that children without mental disability would continue to be enrolled into special schools," she explained to
"This is an enormous success for the experts, the nonprofit organizations and the politicians who have long warned of the problematic nature of that section of the amendment," Laurenčíková said. For the Czech schools to actually head in an inclusive direction and provide genuinely equal access to education, she says further steps must now be taken, primarily, reform of the financing system for the schools.