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Czech Green Party: Neo-Nazi DSSS wants to stir up ethnic hatred in Duchcov

22 June 2013
2 minute read

The Czech Green Party supports the upcoming "Čikhatar het / Z bahna ven!," (Out of the Mud!) assembly which aims to reduce passions and tension in the town of Duchcov but warns against efforts by the Workers’ Social Justice Party to once again stir up ethnic hatred among local residents, according to a press release. News server publishes that statement below in full translation.

Czech Green Party Declaration

This Saturday 22 June, the small North Bohemian town of Duchcov has a busy day ahead of it. Two completely different events will play themselves out there. In the "Jižní město" quarter, where the most Romani residents live, the local community is holding a peaceful assembly with the support of affiliated civic associations, initiatives, and engagé individuals called "Čikhatar het / Z bahna ven!" (Out of the Mud!) with an accompanying cultural music program. The assembly is primarily intended to reduce passions and tensions in the town, to support peaceful coexistence, to improve relations between neighbors and the quality of life, and last but not least, to exhibit a positive image of the Romani community in Duchcov.

The Green Party openly supports such civic activities leading to improving relations between neighbors. On the other hand, the party warns against efforts by the Workers’ Social Justice Party to once again stir up ethnic hatred among local residents.

A few dozen meters away, another very different gathering will also take place, one convened "Against Advantages for Inadaptables." This gathering is being organized by the neo-Nazi Workers’ Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti – DSSS) and groups affiliated with it. Part of this event will be an anti-Roma march, the aim of which is to escalate the situation in the town, increase ethnic tensions, and support anti-Roma sentiment in society.

The Greens have already drafted legislation addressing the problem of social exclusion, with the subtitle "The Green Way out of the Ghetto". Part of this bill involves five circles of comprehensive, coordinated measures that would lead to systemic changes and primarily to the resolution of this problem for the long term throughout the territory of the entire Czech Republic.

"The Čikhatar het / Z bahna ven! assembly offers an alternative to the hate gathering. Its concept might inspire other towns and villages where neo-Nazis are doing their best to incite residents and pit them against one other. Only mutual recognition and understanding of the everyday problems often related to poverty and to the generally bad social situations of many of our fellow citizens can help break down prejudices against them. We must strengthen respect and tolerance for diversity in this society where we are all living together. Diversity must be developed and enriched, perceived as a cultural treasure, not ignored without recognition or even suppressed, as some of our fellow citizens keep trying to do. Unfortunately, such efforts are undertaken by many elected politicians, male and female, across the whole political spectrum," says party chair Ondřej Liška.

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