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Czech DISINFORMATION: Alleged "Nurse from a Brno ICU" railing against vaccination, Petra Fajmonová Rédová, is not employed by any hospital in Brno

12 November 2021
1 minute read

An anti-vaccination video has gone “viral” on Czech social media featuring Petra Fajmonová Rédová, who is introduced in the video as a “Brno ICU nurse”. The video alleges that vaccinations do not work but that they create mutations of the virus, which is an old piece of disinformation. 

News server has reported that there is no Brno hospital that has hired Rédová. She is a devotee of astrology and esoterica and runs an e-shop selling cosmetic sponges and overpriced teas.   

Rédová is also a devotee of so-called “cosmetic oxygen”. She is also listed as the manager of a cosmetics shop.  

Last but not least, she herself offers “healing” services. Her repertoire includes, for example, AFT therapy, craniosacral therapy, regression therapy and Reiki therapy.

Currently there are more than 3 200 patients with COVID-19 in Czech hospitals and about 40 people are dying of this disease daily. The numbers of those infected have again begun to rise, with 10 395 new infections reported yesterday.   

According to the vast majority of doctors and experts, vaccination is currently the only opportunity for protecting oneself against experiencing a severe case of this deadly disease. More than six million people in the Czech Republic are fully vaccinated against COVID. 

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