Czech Chamber of Commerce considers local branch's call for Army to patrol Roma unacceptable
An "Open Call" demanding a solution to the "negative immigration of inadaptables" and the deployment of the Czech Army to patrol Romani residents in excluded localities was published several days ago by the District Chamber of Commerce (OHK) in the town of Ústí nad Labem. News server reported yesterday that the leadership of the national Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic did not respond to our questions regarding the "Open Call".
Today we received a response from press spokesperson Karolina Kyselová. She explained that the Chamber had been "evaluating the situation of the past few days in order to respond legitimately and not rashly."
Statement by the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic on the "Open Call" from OHK Ústí nad Labem
"There is no doubt that entrepreneurs have the right to express their views on social phenomena and to warn of problems that might hinder business. Proof of the fact that the situation in this matter in the Ústí Regional area is complicated is that the Czech Government Agency for Social Inclusion, for example, is working there.
Even though we understand some of the reasons that might have led the representatives of the Ústí Chamber to issue this statement, we consider both its content and its form inappropriate. To indicate that the Army should be deployed in Ústí nad Labem to solve problems with internal security in relation to a particular ethnic or social group is unacceptable to us, and understandably we disagree with any speech that is discriminatory, racist, or xenophobic."