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Commentary: Czech conference of Islamophobes moved from the Senate to a hotel

09 November 2015
1 minute read

This was the appropriate place:  The  Hotel Svornost in Dolní Počernice. The sponsors were also appropriate, with costs being covered by the clubs of senators from the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, the North Bohemians (Severočechy) and the "Citizens’ Rights Party" (Strana práv občanů – SPO).

The auspices were appropriate as well: Czech President Miloš Zeman. The conference of Islamophones and xenophobes (the "Dawn"/Úsvit party, the Bloc against Islam, the author Mr Kuras and bloggers from originally was supposed to be held on the floor of the Czech Senate before finally taking place the old-fashioned way.

It’s as if they were following a script from a tragicomic Forman film. Or one written by communist functionaries from the previous regime.

Hotel Svornost. Dolní Počernice.

Czech Senator Jan Veleba, who organized it all, says approximately 50 people attended and it was a success – which having it not in the Senate was. It seems we haven’t reached rock bottom yet.

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