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Another volunteer civil society member of Czech Govt Council on Roma Affairs resigns, Human Rights Commissioner convenes special session Friday

22 January 2020
2 minute read

Czech Government Human Rights Commissioner Helena Válková has convened an extraordinary session of the civil society members of the Czech Government Council on Romani Minority Affairs for Friday, 24 January, a decision confirmed by Klára Jůnová, head of the Office of the Czech Government Council on Romani Minority Affairs, to news server Civil society member Lucie Fuková is now the second such member to resign after Renata Köttnerová did so on 20 January.

“Yes, the Commissioner wants to give an opportunity to all civil society members of the Czech Government Council on Romani Minority Affairs to personally discuss the current situation. Originally that point was meant to be included for proper discussion by the full Council on 3 February, but given the rich working program of the Council, the Commissioner has decided to offer room this Friday to open a personal debate that will not encumber the working session of the full Council,” Jůnová told news server

Some Romani civil society members of the Council have expressed the opinion that Válková should resign the position of Czech Government Human Rights Commissioner. Köttnerová, who has long worked and still works as the Olomouc Regional Coordinator for National Minorities and Romani Affairs, resigned her volunteer post on the Council on 20 January to protest against Válková remaining in the job of Government Human Rights Commissioner.

Today volunteer civil society member Lucie Fuková also resigned her membership on the Council and confirmed her decision to news server Válková is criticized for her academic collaboration in the late 1970s with the prosecutor in the show trial of Milada Horáková in 1950, Josef Urválek.

That academic work defended the legal institution of the protective surveillance of recidivists, a law enforcement option that was abused by the communist regime in order to persecute political dissidents. Válková is also being reproached for the attitude toward Romani people presented in another academic work she co-authored in the 1980s.

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